- Document #:
- JGW-E1503922-v0
- Document type:
- E
- Submitted by:
- Mark Barton
- Updated by:
- Mark Barton
- Document Created:
- 04 Aug 2015, 08:41
- Contents Revised:
- 04 Aug 2015, 08:41
- DB Info Revised:
- 04 Aug 2015, 08:48
- A summary of required quantities of cables and connectors for the VIS as extracted from the cable diagrams D1503600 (BS), D1503614 (PR2) and D1503617 (EXA) plus the in-vacuum cable detail diagrams D1503901
- Initial version based on BS -v5, PR2 -v2 and EXA -v1. In-vacuum section is near-final, external section is preliminary.
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