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Double Balanced Homodyne Detection and Fabry-Perot gravitational-wave detector

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Kouji Nakamura
Updated by:
Kouji Nakamura
Document Created:
11 May 2018, 20:02
Contents Revised:
11 May 2018, 20:02
DB Info Revised:
12 May 2018, 18:42
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Other Versions:
12 May 2018, 20:54
This research is on a readout scheme of gravitational-wave detectors. In this poster, we discuss an application of our double balanced homodyne detection, which was proposed in the previous f2f meeting, to the Fabry-Perot GW detectors as an example. Although the advantage of the frequency-dependent homodyne detection is lost due to the vacuum noise in the realization of the double balanced homodyne detection, this example indicates that we should discuss the signal-noise trade-off relation by the total quantum measurement process including its readout scheme, since the quantum measurement process of gravitational-wave detectors is completed by the inclusion of its readout scheme.
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This is the presentation file for a 90 sec talk for the post presentation in the 19th F2F meeting (218/5/18-2018/5/20) at Osaka City University
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