- Document #:
- JGW-D1000273-v2
- Document type:
- D
- Submitted by:
- Riccardo DeSalvo
- Updated by:
- Riccardo DeSalvo
- Document Created:
- 13 Dec 2010, 10:54
- Contents Revised:
- 19 Dec 2010, 05:31
- DB Info Revised:
- 19 Dec 2010, 05:31
- design for the construction of the prototype of the LCGT standard GAS filter
- Design undates to December 18th, including suggestions from C. Galli, M. Berchiolli, to improve manufacturability, E. Hennes for blade's design, T. Sekiguchi to improve controls, G. Gennaro drafting.
Changes affect sheet 0,2,5,6,7,8,11,12,23,24,25,28
These changes will be implemented in the standard filter prototype.
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