Last Updated
G1402203-v1 | Thermal noise in non-equilibrium states | Kazunori Shibata | Others R&D KAGRA F2F |
14 Feb 2014 | ||||||||||
G1200896-v1 | RRR measurement of candidate materials | Kazunori Shibata | KAGRA meeting Cryogenic KAGRA |
07 Mar 2012 | ||||||||||
T1200787-v6 | Parametric instability in the bKAGRA | Kazunori Shibata | KAGRA KAGRA meeting Interferometer |
08 Feb 2012 | ||||||||||
G1200844-v3 | Parametric instability in the bKAGRA (for f2f 2/3/2012) | Kazunori Shibata | KAGRA F2F KAGRA Interferometer |
06 Feb 2012 |
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