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Finite Element Model analysis of Vacuum tanks for tower B1 and B2

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Submitted by:
Riccardo DeSalvo
Updated by:
Riccardo DeSalvo
Document Created:
17 Jan 2013, 13:27
Contents Revised:
17 Jan 2013, 13:27
DB Info Revised:
17 Jan 2013, 13:27
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Other Versions:
17 Jan 2013, 13:39
This note contains descriptions, and analysis of the vacuum tanks of tower B1 and B2. It complements T1201363.

This note is organized in sixth sections. The first section is an introduction that describes the project of the towers B1 and B2.
In the second section analytical calculations based on the Pressure European Directive (Pressure European Directive EN 13445) are reported and critical discussion on their use are tackled. The third section contains finite element analysis (Fea) analysis to verify the rigidity and stress on the chamber. The fourth section is dedicated to linear buckling analysis.
The fifth section is the nonlinear buckling and the verification of limit of gross plastic deformation (gross plastic deformation). In the sixth section the conclusions are drawn.

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