p.1 KAGRA entered the observing mode!
p.3 LVK Committee on Climate Change by Luca Baiotti
p.4 What made you decide to study gravitational waves? by Heather Fong
p.5-9 COVID-19 report from each region
by Zhoujian Cao, Ray-Kuang Lee, Chunglee Kim, Flavio Travasso,
Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Quynh Lan Nguyen, Hisaaki Shinkai, and Yoshihisa Obayashi
p.6 Newly Joind KASI by Sungho Lee
p.10 retirement of Prof. Yoshio Saito by Takashi Uchiyama
p.11 previous F2F
p.12 Poster Award, PhD thesis
p.14 We hear that ...
Editorial Team
Hisaaki Shinkai (OIT)
Quynh Lan Nguyen (UND)
Yoshihisa Obayashi (ICRR)
Ayaka Shoda (NAOJ)
Kentaro Komori (MIT)