Title: Ultralight axion dark matter search with DANCE and gravitational wave detectors Abstract: Recently, a hint of a rotation of the polarization plane of the cosmic microwave background has been found from the analyses of the WMAP and Planck data. This so-called cosmic birefringence could be explained by an axion-like particle, as it couples to photons via the Chern-Simons term. As string theory predicts a plentitude of axion-like particles, it is natural to think that there might be other axion-like particles at different masses, and they could be dark matter. Axion dark matter in the mass ranges around 1e-15 to 1e-10 eV modulates the polarization plane of laser beams in the laser interferometers, and can be searched for by polarization measurements. In this talk, I will report on the first results from Dark matter Axion search with riNg Cavity Experiment (DANCE) [Phys. Rev. D 108, 072005 (2023)], and on the recent progress of axion dark matter search with laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors [Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 111301 (2019)].